Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Mother

Since becoming a Mother, I have never understood or appreciated more what it takes to be a good one... and what a good one I have!

The sacrifices we women make in order to bring our children into the world and then raise them to the best of our abilities... it really blows my mind!

It's the most amazing, selfless, loving and beautiful thing I've ever witnessed! I will agree that there are some men out there, who are "Mr. Mom's" and who really do share the majority or at least half of the responsibility of the domestic duties...but from what I can see...they are few and far between! I would be willing to bet, that in most households the woman is the primary caregiver and domestic custodian regardless of whether or not she also generates an income.

For as long as I can remember, all I've ever wanted to be is a Mom!
Now that I am one... I can honestly say, that although I would do it all over again...and wouldn't change a thing...
it is the biggest oxymoron I have ever lived in my life!

Such a confusing mix of emotions between loathing and loving my responsibilities as primary caregiver!
I suppose it is because of the sacrifices...not just of a career, or my time and energy... but of my time with my children.
Somehow, I thought I would have more of it?! It's not the care and time with my children I resent as much as it is the details I have to attend to, that keep me from having time with them!

I read in a celebrity gossip magazine (one of my guilty pleasures, there are many) that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will not be hiring a nanny to help them with their children, they want to raise their children all by themselves! How admirable, that two people with the means to do so, are choosing not to pay someone else to take care of their children!?
Then I thought, neither would I! In fact, if I had that kind of money... I would hire someone to do my laundry, my dishes, clean my house, do my shopping, pay my bills, balance my books, fight my medical claims, do the shopping, run my errands....SOOOOO, that I COULD have more time to spend with my children!!

Speaking of which, I'm off to do just that... :)

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