Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm A Liar

Today, my son asked me where Santa Claus lives.

I'm sure this seems like a reasonable question to most people...but it caught me by surprise since we have never discussed Santa Claus before.
He's only this will really be the first year he'll even really understand presents! I've always been on the fence about Santa. I mean, technically it's a lie, and sort of hypocritical to teach our children not to lie...then turn around and tell one right after the other...Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy...I have a hard time with it. I much prefer the explanation my Grandma offered me as a child, when I asked her if Santa was real.

She said, Yes....there was once a St. Nicholas, and every year...on Jesus's Birthday he would go around delivering gifts to people.... he would leave them on their doorsteps. We honor his memory with Santa Claus....which has obviously been blown way out of proportion from the original saint! Chimneys, flying reindeer...c'mon!
Do we think our kids are dumb!?
Half the time they only pretend to believe for fear of letting their parents down and/or the risk of losing their presents, of course! :) I don't know! Maybe I'm just cynical!? Having an older brother and sister growing up, I don't think I ever had the chance to believe in Santa Claus!? I think I was 3 myself when my sister said to me "duh, you know Santa isn't real don't you!"

I hate to be the one who has the kid, that ruins it for all the rest...
so I suppose I'll jump off the bridge too!?!

"He lives in the North Pole, Sweetie!" .....I told him. I'm a liar.

1 comment:

-ana- said...

I'm on the fence about Santa too..seems like way to much work (and, yes, lying!) to keep up the facade! And will my children REALLY be missing out if they never believe in Santa? I never did (I was the youngest of 3 too) and I don't feel jipped! We shall see...